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 1. Space Camp  September 12, 2008 - Space Camp Podcast   
 2. Science Magazine  Science Podcast, 19 September 2008  Science Podcast 
 3. Directorate of Communications  September 2008 First Friday Podcast  Georgia DOD First Friday 
 4. The Herd  Another Goddamned Podcast#30: September 11, 2008  Another Goddamned Podcast 
 5. Adam Pawlus  Toy of the Week Podcast: September 12, 2008  Entertainment Earth Podcast 
 6. The Plus Team  Podcast 12, September 2008: Universal pictures  Maths on the move 
 7. Science Magazine  Science Podcast, 26 September 2008 ScienceNOW segment  Science Podcast 
 8. Science Magazine  Science Podcast, 19 September 2008 News Focus  Science Podcast 
 9. Science Magazine  Science Podcast, 19 September 2008 Golbeck Interview  Science Podcast 
 10. Science Magazine  Science Podcast, 05 September 2008 Pfeffer Interview  Science Podcast 
 11. Science Magazine  Science Podcast, 19 September 2008 Nakamura Interview  Science Podcast 
 12. Imperial College London  Imperial College Science podcast September 2008  Imperial College London 
 13. Science Magazine  Science Podcast, 05 September 2008 ScienceNOW segment  Science Podcast 
 14. Science Magazine  Science Podcast, 05 September 2008 News Focus  Science Podcast 
 15. Glen Smith & Sven Haiges  Grails Podcast Episode 67: Newscast for September 27 2008  Grails Podcast 
 16. Science Magazine  Science Podcast, 12 September 2008 ScienceNOW segment  Science Podcast 
 17. Brent Simon  Space Camp  B-Sides  
 18. Brent Simon  Space Camp  Seven Of Nine  
 19. Brent Simon  Space Camp  B-Sides  
 20. Brent Simon  Space Camp  Brentumentary  
 21. Brent Simon  Space Camp  Brentumentary  
 22. Business Spotlight Magazine  Skills: Personal branding - The Business Spotlight Podcast for 30 September 2008  The Business Spotlight Podcast 
 23. Business Spotlight Magazine  Telephoning: Summarize the points The Business Spotlight Podcast for 9 September 2008  The Business Spotlight Podcast 
 24. Business Spotlight Magazine  Skills: Explaining how things work The Business Spotlight Podcast for 2 September 2008  The Business Spotlight Podcast 
 25. The Slam Idol Podcast  slamidol20080904 - Here Comes The by Scott Raven Tarazevits - The Slam Idol Podcast - September 4th 2008  The Slam Idol Podcast 
 26. The Slam Idol Podcast  slamidol20080925 - I never met Peter Sellars by The Sixties Poet - The Slam Idol Podcast - September 25th 2008  The Slam Idol Podcast 
 27. The Slam Idol Podcast  slamidol20080913 - Sound check by Chameleon Jersey - The Slam Idol Podcast - September 13th 2008  The Slam Idol Podcast 
 28. Eric Langhorst  Speaking of History #154 - International Teacher Space Camp   
 29. The Slam Idol Podcast  slamidol20080921 - Political Poetry Words with tears by Tairy Rich - The Slam Idol Podcast - September 21st 2008  The Slam Idol Podcast 
 30. Science Audio  PTJ's Podcast Discussion for September 2008: Clinical Level Factors That Affect Quality of Physical Therapy Care of Patients with Low Back Pain: What's the Next Step?  Physical Therapy 
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